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Prugasti dupini / Striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) - Palagruža, 27.05.2016.

Tijekom nedavnog terenskog izlaska susreli smo skupinu od desetak prugastih dupina (Stenella coeruleoalba) koji su znatiželjno prišli istraživačkom brodu i kratko vrijeme plivali tik uz pramac. Prugasti dupini u Jadranskom moru najčešće se mogu opaziti tamo gdje je more najdublje, u Južnojadranskoj kotlini. U okolici Visa ih ne susrećemo često pa smo ovu priliku maksimalno iskoristili kako bi vam prenijeli djelić atmosfere koja je vladala za vrijeme susreta. Uživajte!

During one of our recent field trips we came across a group of ten striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) that came to the research vessel with apparent curiosity and spent a short time bow riding. Striped dolphins in the Adriatic Sea can most commonly be found in its deepest part, in the waters of the South Adriatic Pit. There are not many sightings in the area around Vis Island so we took this opportunity and put maximum effort into bringing back a piece of the atmosphere from the sighting. Enjoy!


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